Tax Preparation

  • Federal and state tax preparation while you wait
  • Drop off preparation
  • Electronic filing
  • Direct deposit of refunds
  • Tax planning
  • Representation before the IRS
  • Reasonable rates

As an enrolled agent and investment advisor representative, the Sabelawski Financial Group has focused on individual, family and small business tax preparation. Edward’s technical expertise in the field of taxation is recognized by the United States Department of the Treasury, representing taxpayers in all administrative levels: examination, collection, and appeals before the Internal Revenue Service.

What is an enrolled agent?

Enrolled agents (EAs) are America’s tax experts. They are the only federally-licensed tax practitioners who both specialize in taxation and have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. These tax specialists have earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the IRS by either passing a stringent and comprehensive three-part examination covering individual tax returns, business tax returns and representation, practice and procedure, or through experience as a former IRS employee. All candidates are subjected to a suitability check conducted by the IRS.

What is Representation?

Taxpayers who find themselves in tax trouble are allowed to represent themselves before the various administrative levels of the IRS. However, most taxpayers facing the IRS collection action, and IRS audit of any sort (whether IRS asks for mounds of documents by mail or requests an in-person examination), or an appeal of any collection or examination action would be wise to send in an expert in his or her place. Taxpayers who are represented have a guide through the process, and someone authorized to speak on his or her behalf (and in his or her place) and ensure the matter is settled fairly. Enrolled agents are authorized by IRS to represent taxpayers before IRS; every enrolled agent has passed testing on representation.

Form CRS